26 June, 2013

Moji počeci (My beginnings)

Svim posetiocima mog bloga, dobar dan i dobrodošli!

To all the visitors I wish a good day and welcome you to my blog!

Da vam se predstavim, ja sam Marina i moj hobi je kviling (quilling), i to već nešto preko dve godine. Kvilingom sam počela da se bavim jer sam poželela da napravim nešto lepo i originalno za rođenje sina moje drage kume. Jednostavno sam pretraživala pojam -čestitke- i među silnim rezultatima sam nabasala na fotografiju čestitke odrađene u kviling tehnici koja se izdvajala od drugih i koja mi je momentalno privukla pažnju. To je bila čestitka naše fantastične Suzane Ilić, koja mi je od tad do sad velika inspiracija i čijim radovima ne mogu da prestanem da se divim. Ko još nije čuo za Suzanu i njen blog Quilling With Fun (sumnjam da takvih puno ima, njeno ime i rad je poznato i poštovano među svetskim kvilerima), evo linka quillingwithfun.blogspot.com .

First, to introduce myself, my name is Marina and my hobby is quilling, for a little bit over two years now. I started quilling because I wanted to make something original and beautiful for the birth of my close friend’s son. I just googled the term “greeting card” and got a bunch of results, but one stood out from the others. It was a greeting card by fantastic quiller Suzana Ilic, whom became my inspiration and I can’t stop admiring her work. For the ones who haven’t heard of Suzana (she is very famous and respected among the quillers worldwide) here is the link to her blog quillingwithfun.blogspot.com.
Od tad do danas se intenzivno bavim kvilingom, napravila sam dosta toga, ali sebe još uvek smatram početnikom, ima tu još dosta da se nauči i ima mesta za napredak.

Since then till today I have been quilling a lot, and made a lot of quilled art work. But I still consider myself a beginner, and I am still learning and believe that there is still room for improvement. 

Evo i fotografije te prve čestitke, i molim vas zanemarite podlogu, tad se spremao ispit. Teget okvir predstavlja ćirilično slovo P, a tri balončića predstavljaju mamu, tatu i malog Petra. Svi navijamo da se broj balončića poveća.

This is a photo of my very first greeting card, and please ignore the background and the photocopied book, I was still a student then. The dark blue frame represents the Cyrillic letter P, and the three balloons represent the three of them, Mom, Dad and little Peter. All of us are rooting that the number of the balloons increase. 

Nadam se da vas nisam puno udavila prvim postom, verovatno se mislite, kad se ova u prvom postu ovoliko raspričala, šta li će biti kad se malo opusti (hehe). Hvala na poseti!

I hope I haven’t bored you. Thanks for visiting!

P.S. Ko ima vremena, može posetiti moju stranu Marina Quilling na fejsbuku.
P.S. If you have the time, please visit my facebook page Marina Quilling.